This was an idea that came up spur of the moment on the day of the shoot. These ladies had been kind enough to volunteer their feet and legs to pose for a different shot I wanted to enter into a local erotic arts show. But my boot is such a great constrast to all of their different shoes, I just had to do this. In all actuality, I'm on a ladder about six feet over the top of them (who are stacked on each other like cordwood) and my boot there is sitting on the floor beneath me.
Incidentally, one of the girls in the #photograph was apparently a schizophrenic but none of us knew that at the time. She apparently wrote a letter to the operator of the artshow threatening legal action if the artwork was displayed as she didn't sign a model release. She didn't even bother coming to me. And legally speaking, without being able to identify the person definitively in the photograph, the artist isn't required to have a model release on hand, except in special cases of federal law.
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