Thank you everyone so far for your support on this project. We've still got a long way to go but as promised, since we reached the $500 mark, here is the first photo to be released publicly from The Motive.
It took me a long time to find the right model and a hallway that would work for my purposes. The hallway was probably the hardest part though you wouldn't think that would be difficult. I did shoot this show on a shoestring budget, though, and didn't want to rent locations if I could get out of it.
That being said, my friend Nicole was kind enough to let us use her upstairs hallway to shoot the photos for Mrs. White. I wasn't sure if it would work but I'm pretty pleased with the result. I wanted the photos to have a simplicity about them, so that it was easy to see the important parts of the art without a lot of distracting excess all over the place. I would have loved to shoot this show in an old Victorian Mansion but didn't have one available.
If we can make the next goal of $1,000 I'll share another character from the shoot. Whoever is the donor who puts us over the top will get to pick which of the five remaining characters to see! Thanks again for your support and I am really looking forward to seeing where this goes from here!