Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Motive

I'm Sean M Posey, and I love to take crazy pictures. Right now, I am contemplating six dastardly murders, but to make this project possible, I need your help.

If you choose to support me, you won’t be asked to move any bodies. You won’t be charged as an accessory to murder. Instead, you’ll help me launch a photography show about murderers, their psychology, and our perceptions of these two things.

At first glance, "THE MOTIVE" could easily be dismissed as a gimmick, using shock and visual cliches to elicit a response from the viewer.  But the intent of these pieces is actually to challenge our societal views on art, pop media, psychology, and crime.

Unlike other art shows, there is a motive for viewing these photographs, aside from appreciating their particular merits as art.  I want viewers to think about the people in the photographs, fictional though they may be, and use that as a mirror to consider them as real people and how they would behave.

So go check out the video I shot in the middle of the night and tell anyone you think might find it interesting!


oakstreetphotovideo said...

Am I the only one who can't find a link to your Kickstarter page from this blog?

Unknown said...

No, I don't think you are. I can't believe I forgot to put a link here. *facepalm* Thanks for the heads up.

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